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Content & Content Management Services - Page Three: Intranets

The exponential growth of the Internet is well known. Few people nowadays express any wonder at reading Internet usage statistics that resemble international telephone numbers. What’s less well known is that the number of Intranets - internal corporate enterprise websites - now in use is usually agreed to be even larger.

Website content and content management

Effective and economical internal communications

Well it shouldn’t be so surprising that organizations of all types and sizes – but especially medium-to-large businesses – have taken to the medium in such numbers. Intranets represent an ideal platform for internal communications.

They facilitate the ease, speed and economy with which information can be shared. They allow information to be available on demand, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. They’re fairly easy to install, configure, update, use and manage. They’re relatively secure, and can be configured for corporate, departmental and functional use.

The list goes on, but if you’d like to contact us to arrange an initial discussion, we’d be glad to explain how Oake Communications has increased the effectiveness of our clients’ Intranets while simultaneously reducing their overhead.

Website content and content management

We're at your service

We provide consultancy on the development, implementation and enhancement of Intranets, usually in the form of a short one-off project. We produce, translate and manage Intranet content for a number of corporate clients, often on a longer-term contractual basis.

We’ve recently completed some specialized projects involving new Intranet sections for clients’ Human Resources and International Sales departments, and another to facilitate the involvement and communications of a client’s staff in their Employee Council.

Contact us today to find out how Oake Communications can help your company maximize the benefits of employee satisfaction, loyalty, knowledge sharing, collaboration and productivity from your Intranet.

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