Organizations typically report that improving employees communications skills represents one of their most vital training needs. Whether writing reports, memos, e-mails or letters, speaking in meetings, at conferences or on the telephone, most of us spend most of our working lives communicating. The level of communications expertise you and your employees can deploy therefore has a crucial impact on your companys performance.
Oake Communications coaching service is designed for executives who wish to improve or refine their use of English in business settings. We help them develop all aspects of their writing and speaking skills.
Within your organization, the efficiency and effectiveness of meetings, internal memos and e-mail, the comprehension and assimilation of corporate strategies and policies, telephone and videoconferences, employee motivation and more can be enhanced by skilled communication.
The quality of your companys external communications with customers, alliance partners, foreign subsidiaries, shareholders, conference participants, trade show visitors, analysts and the media, are equally dependent on the skill levels of those required to conduct them.
More than ever before in todays increasingly international business environment, your employees ability to communicate effectively in English directly affects your bottom line.
Our one-to-one coaching sessions and workshops deliver personalized advice, specifically tailored to our clients needs. Our coaching is usually performed in person, so its typically provided to our clients in the Netherlands. We can also provide remote coaching however, using e-mail and our extranet for writing skills and telephone sessions for oral skills.
The team at No.25 has recently completed these projects for our clients:
Coaching a CEO prior to an international conference
Preparing management delegates for cross-border acquisition negotiations
Helping human resources executives to communicate effectively and confidently with English-speaking employees
Providing a series of workshops for call-centre staff
We invite you to
to arrange an informal discussion of your business English training needs and so we can propose a tailor-made solution.